All first responders should be prepared for medical response. Whether it’s a victim on the scene, your partner or yourself in need of treatment, you need to have the right equipment on hand. Here are the essentials that you should keep at the ready.
First Aid Kits
All first responders should at minimum include a basic first aid kit as part of their everyday gear. There are many first aid kits available in a variety of configurations to suit your needs. Whether you purchase a pre-packaged kit or assemble your own, Make sure your first aid kits includes:
- Medical gloves
- Alcohol pads
- Antibiotic ointment
- Plenty of adhesive bandages in a variety of shapes and sizes
- Common, over-the-counter medications
Upgrade a basic first aid kit by adding:
- Thermal reflective rescue blanket
- Gauze dressings
- Medical shears
- Cold packs
Bleed Kits / Gunshot Kits / Personal Trauma Kits
These kits may go be several different names, but the common denominator is their ability to treat traumatic bleeding. At minimum this kit should include:
- Medical gloves
- Bloodstopper-type bandage and/or clotting bandage
- Gauze dressings
- Medical shears
Upgrade your trauma kit by adding:
BLS Kits (Basic Life Saving)
These are more advanced kits, commonly carried by professionals who are trained in medical response, but useful for any first responder. These kits are meant to include the minimum for basic life saving treatment and should include:
- Medical gloves
- CPR/Airway kit
- Assorted dressings and bandages
- Burn kit
- Blood pressure/stethoscope kit
- Basic medical instruments
Usually included only in more advanced kits, diagnostic equipment allows responders to measure and track vital stats like blood pressure, pulse rate and breathing. This equipment can easily be purchased separately to add to any medical kit and should include:
The best equipment available is worthless unless you have the training to use it effectively. Take advantage of opportunities to cross train with other first responders, and learn the skills that may one day save a life.