2020 Ballistic Vest Protection Grant

The Ballistic Vest Partnership

The Patrick Leahy Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP), created by the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Act of 1998 is a unique U.S. Department of Justice initiative designed to provide a critical resource to state and local law enforcement. This grant matches agency funding, for a total of 50% grant funded and 50% agency funded.

One Million Vests

Since 1999, the BVP program has awarded more than 13,000 jurisdictions for a total of $467 million in federal funds for the purchase of over one million vests (1,395,976) as of February, 2020.

Uniquely Fitted Armor Vest Requirement

Jurisdictions receiving funding for reimbursement of body armor purchases must have in place a uniquely fitted vest requirement when the BVP applications are submitted.

In the BVP Program, “uniquely fitted vests” means protective (ballistic or stab-resistant) armor vests that conform to the individual wearer to provide the best possible fit and coverage, through a combination of:

1) correctly-sized panels and carrier, determined through appropriate measurement, and

2) properly adjusted straps, harnesses, fasteners, flaps, or other adjustable features.

The requirement that body armor be “uniquely fitted” does not necessarily require body armor that is individually manufactured based on the measurements of an individual wearer. In support of the Office of Justice Programs’ efforts to improve officer safety, the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International has made available the Standard Practice for Body Armor Wearer Measurement and Fitting of Armor (Active Standard ASTM E3003) available at no cost. The Personal Armor Fit Assessment checklist, is excerpted from ASTM E3003.

Visit ojp.gov for additional details.

Galls Can Help

Applications for FY 2020 BVP funds will be accepted beginning April 23, 2020.  All applications must be submitted online by 6:00 pm (Eastern Time), June 8, 2020. 

Email: GRANTINFO@galls.com 

Call the Galls Grant Information Hotline: 859-286-6174

Visit our Agency Resource Center.

For information about the CESF Grant, see this article.

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